Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital

Nursing Training & Staff Development

Nursing Skills Lab

Enhanced Onboarding Programs

Enhanced Onboarding Programs

An intensive training for new nurses which comprises of lectures, demonstrations and return-demonstrations of clinical skills, and a structured clinical exposure. Clinical skills can be mastered utilizing the nursing dummies in the Nursing Skills Lab

Infusion Therapy Training Programs

Infusion Therapy Training Programs

An ANSAP-certified program designed for Registered Nurses to provide technical knowledge and clinical competency required in the initiation, maintenance, and termination of a vascular access device. A three-day Basic Intravenous Therapy Training Program and one-day Refresher Courses are offered.

Basic Life Support Training Program

A PHA-certified Basic Life Support Program recommended for all healthcare professionals and open to interested lay rescuers. The program follows the course outline from the Philippine Heart Association, which includes lectures, demonstrations, qualifying examinations, and practical examinations that will provide the participant with the competency necessary for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.