Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital

“Do whatever He tells you,” said Mary to the servants in the Wedding at Cana.

The OLLH community, together with the Missionary Sisters Servants of the Holy Spirit (SSpS), celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes on February 11, 2021 to mark the day of their faith and devotion, in a mass officiated by Rev. Fr. Wilfredo “Kidz” Del Parto.

In his homily, Father Kidz emphasized the Blessed Mother’s message in the Wedding at Cana which embodies the meaning of faith which is not just simply believing in God’s existence but believing in God’s promises and doing what He is telling us to do. He related it to the story of Dr. Alexis Carrel who, formerly agnostic, renewed his faith after witnessing two miraculous cures at the Lourdes Grotto where the Blessed Virgin Mary has been declared to have appeared.

For 72 years, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital has been a place, not only of healing, but also of faith. It has cultivated a Christ-centered community of healthcare providers promoting holistic healing in honor of Our Lady of Lourdes.