Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital

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    Clinic Consultation: 8716.3901 local 1205 | 1303
    Emergency Room: 8716.3901 local 1238 | 0969.539.7190
    HMO / Sales: 8716.3901 local 1429 | 0999.336.1754
    Laboratory:  8716.3901 local 3396 | 3397
    EEG & Hearing Unit: 0921-852-8520
    Endoscopy Center: 0921-852-8510
    Eye Center: 0921-852-8513
    Heart Station: 0921-852-8514
    Hemodialysis: 0921-852-8507
    Laboratory: 0921-852-8516
    Pulmonary Unit: 0921-852-8525
    PT & Rehabilitation: 0921-852-8521
    Radiology: 0921-852-8526

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